Art Outreach to The Dominican Republic


The Elyria Arts Council took part in a Mission Trip that local friends made to an impovrished town in The Domincan Republic. We were asked to provide a simple craft project to do with kids, while they and their families waited to be seen at a medical clinic. We sent along a colorful array of beads and materials to make bracelets and mini wire sculptures. The photos here show the Medical clinic, a home, kids making bracelets, and an outdoor classroom. We were honored to be asked to participate in a small way and happy to see that the project sent was a hit!

Lorain County Beautiful Painting Project

The Elyria Arts Council partnered with Republic Waste to paint a 30 yard waste container. This container was painted by kids and adults with an Earth Day theme. The container will travel to cities in Lorain County on Saturday May 21st during community clean-up events. Mother Nature created a challenge for us on multiple days that we had scheduled to paint. We re-scheduled painting days twice due to nasty weather. It was very windy on the days we were able to paint, but we got the project done by  the deadline. We Thank all who participated in the completion of this project!