Our newest Program is in Partnership with The Elyria Public Library. The Art Walk is a year round outdoor Art gallery on the west wall of Elyria’s new Main Branch Library at 211 Second Street. There will be eight 4ft. by 8ft. murals always on display and open to the public to view. Any organization, individual, or artist with something positive and important to show or say about Elyria can create a mural. Individuals and community groups can tell their stories and have them on display for 2 to 3 months. The Art Walk is not a competition. It is a conversation. Whatever you paint and how you paint it will proudly be displayed. The Elyria Arts Council provides all supplies to complete these murals. The Elyria Arts Council will provide mentorship for your mural and explain community guidelines for your design. EAC can drop off supplies and pick-up your finished mural. There is no cost for this project and your group will receive a small donation when your mural is complete. For more detailed information give us a call at 440-328-3025, or email us at elyriaartscouncil@gmail.com.